"Achieve the
lifestyle YOU
want" -Alyzia

Engineer by trade. Entrepreneur at heart. 

My Companies

Hi there! I'm Alyzia.

When I was little, my family did not have a lot of money. I worked HARD at school and basketball with the hopes that I’d make a lot of money after becoming an engineer…

I learned quickly that understanding money was something not taught with my degree. So I started my journey into growing financially to get my FREEDOM back.

I’ve made so much progress but am still in the struggle of getting out of the rat race. Which is why I want to share my journey with you.


Here is a list of all my companies. If you feel like we could mutually benefit eachother. Click the win-win button.

Property M.O.B

Providing wholesalers with virtual assistants and courses to grow their business.

123 Marketing USA

Helping real estate agents build rapport with relationship building funnel.


Software company to help real estate professionals get more deals done.

Plot Investments

I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. Buy and holds, BRRR, and fix & flips.

The fun stuff

The Biggest Key to Happiness. Freedom.

Money Served One Purpose.. well Four lol.

I just want to do more of..

What I want.

When I want.

Where I want.

With who I want.

Plain and simple. No huge mission to change the world. and that’s ok!